Sega Saturn modifications

I remember when this came to my town (a bit late than the official release in Europe). Big posters everywhere and lines to play Sega rally and at the time (December 1995) Nights into dreams. I remember Toy Story was out too, great times.

If I remember correctly, it costs 50 contos, it was a lot. I think only one of my friends have one.

I get mine not that time ago, in a pawn shop, with only a controller. I research for some mod chips for playing burned games, but I found a great alternative called Pseudo Saturn that only needed a expansion cart like these:
This is a 4 in 1 cart, with gamegenie, backup saves and 4 Megabytes expansion . When you flash it with Pseudo Saturn you loose the backup save capability, but in my case it is worth it.

The mod I have in this console are extremly simple, I've also had to made a fix in the power supply, a transistor failed, but after that it is in perfect condition.
My goal was to have a switch for switching between 50hz and 60hz, but till now I keep it in 60Hz all the time. The mod is quite easy, I was lucky with this one btw, it's an early version 2 and it has the SW (stands for switch) on the board:

And that's it, recently I bought this great arcade joystick and played a lot of X-men vs Street Fighter and KOF '97. 
